William Reeve, Serial Entrepreneur and Angel Investor | Q and A

What were your biggest learnings from your experiences with Lovefilm,Secret Escapes and Oxalyst?

Those three businesses have very little in common, except that they all took inspiration from something successful and tried to replicate the model somewhere else.
Two of the three of them have proved very successful.
It’s hard to distill the learnings definitively but I would say that people/culture and strategy are the two defining characteristics of long term leaders. LOVEFiLM and SecretEscapes had them, Oxalyst didn’t quite.

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Decision by expert not committee – why our obsession with reviews must end! | Doron Meyassed, Co-Founder and CEO Plum Guide

Play a little game with me.

Think of the last purchase you made online, that was important to you. Maybe a holiday you booked, a hotel, a new TV, even booking a restaurant.

Have you got something in mind?

Now ask yourself – how much did you enjoy the decision-making experience on a 1-10 scale?

Even more importantly, how content were you with the outcome on a 1-10 scale?

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Beatrice Aliprandi, Principal at Talis | Q&A

What were you biggest learnings at Jefferies?
Jefferies was a great learning experience for me. Whether you agree with the banking culture or not (most people don’t), you tend to understand your true self a little bit better when it’s 3am and you’re sleep deprived trying to push through a 200-pages presentation, or a 50-tabs financial model. But my biggest learning from those 3 years was understanding that I wanted to be much more involved in the company’s growth stories, and not just watching them from the outside. I understood I wanted to be part of their journey much earlier on, and have as much positive impact as I could on the trajectory of the company.

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Four leading entrepreneurs answer the question | What are your biggest challenges right now?

Getting the advocacy we need from the UK Government to support its home-grown tech champions like Lifebit on the global stage. This is seen in the public sector here in the UK, but on the whole the UK has a lot to learn from the US, who actively lobby on behalf of their national champions. Right now our company is also expanding rapidly to match our growing client-base, finding the right talent to grow our team is challenging, there is so much growth in the life sciences and tech sectors at present which means competing with many other leading companies to recruit the best talent.

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Karen McCormick, Chief Investment Officer at Beringea | Q and A

  • What were your biggest learnings at Boston Consulting Group?

I joined BCG at a senior consultant level, having 5 years of experience in consumer products previously. I joined the Financial Services practice (at my request – I wanted experience outside of consumer), and quickly realised I was way out of my depth on industry knowledge. I had to rely on over-delivering on client experience, process management, and just generally being liked by colleagues, clients, and managers; these things saved me.

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Building the Future Workplace – Larry Gadea, Founder and CEO of Envoy, Takes the Lead

When I started Envoy in 2013, I knew a secret that few did: workplaces lacked user-friendly, experience-centered tools.

Working at Google in the early days, we had access to a lot of amazing user-friendly internal tools, built by people in the company. We had applications that let us see the bus schedule, find nearby meeting rooms and printers, navigate the campus and where everyone was seated. We even had an experience-focused kiosk for visitors to check in when they arrived on campus. Not surprising, companies like Apple and Facebook built very similar applications for themselves. Why? Because nothing with any decent UX was available in-market. Along with early investors Marc Benioff, Adam D’Angelo, Jeremy Stoppelman, we saw a niche opportunity in workplace tech and set out to change that with Envoy.

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The future of restaurants arrives: Karakuri is changing how we eat | Barney Wragg, CEO & Founder

What is the future of food? It is the question on the lips of entrepreneurs, investors and those up and down the global food supply chain. From picking to plate, technology is altering how we interact with food. This turn to technology is driven by complex issues such as growing enough food to feed the planet, huge meal wastage, labour shortages and heavy demands from everyone for quicker service of fresher meals that meet complex dietary needs. It is why we are seeing investment into areas like vertical farming, dark kitchens and automation in the dining industry.

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Is there a purpose to financial innovation? | Bruce Davis and Mark Davis

In his 2020 BBC Reith Lecture Series, Mark Carney, former Governor of the Banks of Canada (2008–2013) and England (2013–2020), opened with a challenge to the conventions and values of the mainstream finance system. Finance, Carney argued, could no longer rely on the automatic granting of its social licence, enabling it to profit in perpetuity from the professional management and safeguarding of other people’s’ money. Mainstream finance, Carney suggested, is fast running the risk of no longer being fit for purpose if it cannot be seen by the public as helping to solve what he identified as the ‘triple threat’ of Credit, COVID-19 and Climate.

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As PayPal announce that UK users will be able to buy/sell cryptocurrencies, we ask ‘Are we now seeing accelerated change in the financial system?’

The PayPal news is definitely one indicator of change. But much more radical shifts are already well underway. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has over $80bn locked in it, having started only a couple of years ago. DeFi lets you control your funds while accessing a global financial system that operates 24/7, is highly capital efficient, transparent and automated, and innovates at blistering speed due to the power of permissionless networks. DeFi is still tiny compared to traditional finance, but it will eventually win as surely as emails came to dominate the fax machine.

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Melinda Nicci’s latest project, MBody, is tackling Perimenopause which affects women between 38 and 50. We asked her to explain her latest mission and entrepreneurial journey!

Seven years ago, I had an idea for an app that would change the way women approach their health and wellness during pregnancy. Six years ago, that idea turned into my launching Baby2Body as a sole founder, and three years later, we brought out our first app. Today, Baby2Body is the award-winning health and wellness app that provides personalized coaching for women in their reproductive years. We have surpassed 2 million members from all over the world, and I could not be more proud of what we have created.

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