1. What were your biggest learnings at MarketInvoice?
The importance of attracting and retaining the top calibre talent and how the profile of that talent evolves as the company moves through different maturity stages from Seed to Growth. You may have the best and most cohesive founding team, but if you don’t manage to hire a capable team that you feel you can delegate to, your business will never scale, and as a founder, you will get bogged down in day-to-day operations and run a risk of missing the big picture. For some legs of your startup journey, you want fast-moving, fast-learning generalists whose biggest skill is getting sh** done. Eventually, as different functions across the organisation emerge, from sales to account management, customer success, product and engineering, you want to start hiring competent specialists who can take each of the functions to a whole new level of best practice. But if you bring them in too soon, when there’s still a little bit too much chaos, they will slow you down, frustrate your employees and leave quickly. This can undermine your reputation in the job market as other execs check how many senior people had short, unsuccessful stints inside your organisation – LinkedIn makes it very easy to see. A few mis-hires are fine, but it’s a number to keep an eye on.
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