What have been your biggest learnings whilst being a Board member/observer at Toqio, Zift, Phrasee, Solidatus, and Clear Review?
My experience from over 20 years of investing at Series A and partnering with founders is that almost every successful company goes through a period when things don’t go to plan. This makes the clarity and alignment of objectives absolutely paramount. Firstly, the exec team and investors should spend time agreeing what the key strategic objectives are, what the short and medium term targets are to achieve these objectives, agree how to measure progress and assign clear responsibilities. We do this every time we back a new company, in a systematic way. Then the investors need to make sure they speak with a unified voice. How they achieve that depends on the size of the investor syndicate, but founders should not have to deal with disparate investor priorities. Another key lesson is that founders should not waste time in building a high calibre C level team as soon as they take on investment. It takes time to find the right people, bring them on board and allow them time to make a material contribution. In the context of a 24 month period between funding rounds, there really isn’t time to waste. Lastly, we operate in fast moving markets and those who win embrace agility and speed of execution and we overindex on founders with these qualities.
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