We are thrilled that you can now listen to Monocle magazines fantastic weekly show ‘The Entrepreneurs’ on the blog now!


As part of our philosophy to make our fast growing Silicon Roundabout platform an invaluable resource in the technology ‘ecosystem’ we are delighted to now bring you Monocle Magazines weekly show ‘The Entrepreneurs’. Enjoy!


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Your Seven Days in the World of Technology courtesy of the Wired.co.uk Podcast!

Wired podcast

Listen this week for an entertaining 30-minute look at the most interesting technology and science stories from the last seven days, with Wired.co.uk’s Olivia Solon, Liat Clark and Nicholas Tufnell.

Once again Care.data is proving to be a hot mess. Remember all that sensitive personal information they promised they wouldn’t give to insurers? They gave it to insurers. Liat takes a look at how medical professionals are trying to treat the strange phenomenon of phantom limbs, and we discuss the news that the European Union and Brazil have agreed to lay a fibre-optic undersea communications cable across the Atlantic in an attempt to “guarantee” net neutrality — is this the beginning of a balkanised web?

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Expanding to London from the USA? In Part 3 of the series Richard Goold examines Employment Law Issues.

Buckingham palace

Non-EU nationals require a permit in order to be able to work in the UK, but otherwise hiring employees is relatively simple.

Employees must be given written confirmation of their basic employment terms, either in a simple document or alternatively (particularly when restrictions on competing activities, non-solicitation and non-dealing are to be imposed) in a detailed agreement.

Foreign companies should be aware that UK employees benefit from many employment rights simply by virtue of being based here, which can have implications for staff seconded from overseas.

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Your week in Tech in a handy 30 minute Podcast, courtesy of Wired.co.uk!

Wired podcast

Listen this week for an entertaining 30-minute look at the most interesting technology and science stories from the last seven days, with Wired.co.uk’s Olivia Solon, Katie Collins and Liat Clark.

This week:

Top stories
1) Microsoft has a new CEO
2) David Cameron: I don’t think Snowden’s had a big public impact
3) GCHQ targeting anonymous in DDOS attack
4) Creepy AI will talk to your loved ones after you die

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Thinking of exiting a tech business? Fay Margo explains the growing ‘Secondary Direct’ market!


Patience is a virtue, or so the saying goes… It’s not always a virtue though, if you’re a venture capitalist. VC investors are having to wait longer and longer before exiting their portfolio companies, according to research carried out by Dow Jones Venture Source.

A growing number of venture-backed tech firms are finding they need to develop their business models further before an attractive exit is possible; which all takes time.

In the past, business angel and venture capital funds would buy and hold investments until the final exit, be it a trade sale, an IPO or liquidation.

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Your week in tech, courtesy of Wired.co.uk’s Podcast!

Wired podcast

Listen this week for an entertaining 30-minute look at the most interesting technology and science stories from the last seven days, with Wired.co.uk’s Nate Lanxon, Olivia Solon and Liat Clark.

This week:

Top stories
1) Forcing ISPs to block The Pirate Bay is ineffective, rules Dutch court
2) Do you feel immortal? Chances are you did when you were born
3) GCHQ spied on Facebook and YouTube in real time to check for trends

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We asked the leading entrepreneurs behind Streethub, Kabbee, Borro, Lovestruck,SecretEscapes and Alex and Alexa what are your hopes for 2014 and what predictions do you have for the world of disruptive technology?


Maxim Berglund
Co-founder of StreetHub

We hope for another great year for London startups in 2014!

Technology is becoming increasingly location aware on a very granular level. Mobile phones are the perfect technology for location services and so we don’t see the trends for mobile-first or mobile-only startups slowing down any time soon. As more data layers are added on top of the physical world, it is opening up for startups to create solutions to many day-to-day location specific problems. We think this will lead to more disruptive startups in the hyperlocal arena emerging, hopefully many of them in London!

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Expanding to London from the USA can be a legal minefield. Part 2 of Richard Goold’s series asks ‘Subsidiary or Branch?’

Buckingham palace

Typically when US corporations come to the UK they will set up either:

–           a subsidiary (typically a private limited company, which will be a wholly owned legal entity of the US corporation); or
–           a branch (which is a public filing in the UK to tell the world that the US corporation is now doing business in the UK).

Why would a company prefer one route over the other?

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A week in tech in a 30 minute podcast!

Wired podcast

Listen this week for an entertaining 30-minute look at the most interesting technology and science stories from the last seven days, with Wired.co.uk’s Nate Lanxon, Olivia Solon and Liat Clark.

This week:

Top stories
1) Comet-bound spacecraft Rosetta wakes up from hibernation
2) Injecting genes into the eye improves eyesight, could treat blindness one day
3) Google developing ‘smart’ contact lens to monitor blood sugar levels for diabetics

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Attract, Retain, Motivate. 6 Tactics for an Effective Employee Attraction & Retention Strategy.

Do you feel lucky punk? Do ya?

“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur” – Red Adair

ConsolBy Marc Cohen, Director at ConSol Partners


A growing business depends on being able to attract the best talent in their industry to contribute to their future. But often overlooked, both by growing business and those looking to maintain their present scale, is the importance of retaining and motivating the people who you’ve worked hard to get through your doors. The consequences of high staff churn can be devastating, with money lost in productivity, increased recruitment and selection costs, wasted investment in training and a legacy of demoralization and disruption in the team.

This is particularly important in the technology/digital industries, where innovation, consistency and longevity are imperative for staying ahead of the ever evolving competition. In this modern age we are always online, and employees or prospective hires are constantly tantalised by new and exciting opportunities. As an employer you compete with this on a daily basis whether you know it or not. A recent survey by a UK employment website* yielded these figures…

•           70% of employees are either actively searching for or open to a new opportunity
•           69% say searching for new opportunities is part of their regular routine
•           30% search for new jobs on a weekly basis

Take one of our biggest clients, tech giant Cisco. In a recent interview with HR Grapevine, CEO Phil Turner expressed that talent should be the primary priority for technology firms. So how do you go about hiring the best people available, and keeping them happy?

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