Is regulation the enemy of innovation? Leading Fintech entrepreneurs respond!

Regulation is absolutely NOT the enemy of innovation: rather, the two exist in a reciprocal relationship. New technology will always be the driver of evolving regulatory requirements – if something is truly innovative, it rarely fits into existing regulatory frameworks.

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Gregory Geny, CEO and Co-Founder of BeRightBack talks subscription models, his entrepreneurial journey and travel predictions for 2020!

The explosion of the subscription economy

The last decade has seen the rise of the subscription economy. Whilst advancements in technology and the explosion of social media both play a huge role in the democratisation of subscription businesses, they are not the underlying reasons why subscription is becoming the norm. They are catalysts. The explosion of the subscription economy is simply a reflection of demographics of the customer base it’s attracting.

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‘Business will stop obsessing about growth, and focus on profitability. In 2020 the bottom line will rise to the top of the priority list for startups.’ Rishi Khosla, Co Founder of Oaknorth (The Wired World in 2020). We asked leading entrepreneurs and VC’s if they agreed?

I certainly think that statement might not be as applicable for those companies still early in their growth trajectory. For established more mature Fintech businesses, perhaps profitability will become more of a focus, but as one of Europe’s leading Fintech investors, we are always looking for businesses that have strong underlying unit economics. 

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The cultural phenomenon that is Burning Man takes place annually at Nevada’s Black Rock City. Official photographer Jamen Percy explains what it means to him!

To me, Burning Man has become my creative oasis and a decommodified sanctuary – one of the last strongholds in our modern world to be void of commercialisation.

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Election 2019 | Leading entrepreneurs outline what the ecosystem requires from the next Government to thrive in the face of global competition!

To have any chance of birthing UK tech-giants we need frictionless access to a large single market; the divergence of wealth and power is making this more unlikely. The US and China have a significant advantage over UK companies who have a plethora of barriers blocking access to talent, materials and customers.

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Mobility | Flying Taxis are no longer science fiction! Daniel Wiegand , Co Founder and CEO of Lilium explains.

I was an aeronautical engineering student, sitting in my dorm room in Glasgow watching YouTube videos of the V-22 Osprey, a military tilt-rotor aircraft, when the idea first came to me.

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We asked three leading Founders: How would you define the modern entrepreneur?

“The modern entrepreneur has the qualities we’re all familiar with – an inspiring presence and dedication to their work, but they are becoming less hierarchy and process-oriented, partly because of the agility required to differentiate in today’s fast-paced startup culture.

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Rob Pierre, CEO of Jellyfish talks ‘Going global in the digital age; Five top tips for international expansion!’

Technological and digital advancements mean that today, even the smallest companies in the world can become global. While the rewards can be immense, growing a business internationally isn’t without its challenges. Jellyfish started life as a UK-based start-up in 2005. As we approach our 15th year in business, we’re well on our way to becoming a truly global organisation.

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Barcelona based Badi has raised more than $45m and are at the forefront of Proptech AI. Founder and CEO Carlos Pierre talks urban living, algorithms and his entrepreneurial journey.

I was 24 when I founded badi which meant I was starting out with limited experience, but I once heard this quote and it stuck with me: “The best people are the people who don’t know how to do something, because they are the ones who are going to find a way to do it.” For me, there’s a huge advantage to being young and innovative over having experience.

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‘How did I get here? The events in my life that shaped who I am.’ (Part 2)

Looking back through my life – from growing up in Estonia to building a global tech business in London – I’d say the event that had the biggest impact on who I am was the unexpected death of my father at a young age.

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